#YWeRun: Supporting the Oak Square YMCA

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For individuals and families across Greater Boston, 2020 has presented us with adversity that has challenged us all. This fall, the YMCA of Greater Boston aims to help our communities grow stronger together by engaging our neighbors in a virtual wellness and community-building experience that spans 9 days, covers 43 miles, and celebrates 14 neighborhoods! Join me in supporting this great organization so we can continue to serve the most vulnerable among us in our communities. Thank you so much for your donation! :) <3 Love, Sonny

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Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $2,000 goal

$ .00

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Ymca logo new
Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $2,000 goal


$50.00 from Matt Matuozzi


$25.00 from Sean Barbary

"Good luck Sonny!"

$10.00 from Jess Claffey

"Great job Almond!"

$25.00 from Katy Jablon

"Gooo Sonny"

$25.00 from Evangelos Stowell

$50.00 from Al White

$25.00 from Molly Salzmann

"Thanks to the YMCA for everything they do for our community"

$25.00 from Anonymous

"keep it up king"

$50.00 from Bert Duarte

"Good luck!"

$25.00 from Joe Tulley

$50.00 from Patricia Lucini

$25.00 from Liam H


$25.00 from Jeremy Frank

$200.00 from Andrew & Brittany Wilson

$20.00 from Dom Potito

"Run Sonny Run!"

$100.00 from Chris and Elvia Warnken

"Good luck Sonny!"

$25.00 from Victoria Howard

$25.00 from Will Franzosa

$25.00 from Nick DiFranco

$50.00 from Anonymous

$25.00 from Ailish Barry

"Good luck Sonny!"

$25.00 from Matt Rosenfield

"keep up the great work! You’re making a difference"

$25.00 from Jeremy Honig

"You’re perfect, you’re beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista, you’re a model! Everything about you is perfect!"

$35.00 from Matthew Brown

$25.00 from Adam Brooks